Graceful ageing is something all of us value.

It is no fun to be 90, bed bound and not recognize your family when they visit. I don’t know about you, but I want to have life in my years – not just years in my life.

I want to enjoy a walk in the woods, and a concert; a full meal, glass of wine and a twirl around the ballroom floor. If you can’t live the life you enjoy, what is so great about living a long life?

The sad thing is we see more and more people in nursing homes living out a life of Dementia, Immobility, and Incontinence!

Did you know that aging is mainly due to a lack of Oxygen in the body? Why?

  • The air we breathe has less oxygen than 100 years ago due to pollution.
  • Our Breathing is shallower.
  • We do not walk outdoors as much.
  • Hidden infections– such as gum disease rob us of our oxygen.
  • Our foods no longer contain the minerals that ensure our body absorbs oxygen well.
  • Our digestion is slowed by the food we eat, by a lack of movement and not drinking enough good quality water.
  • We have more toxins to deal with in our food, our water and the EMF’s (electric magnetic fields) such as; WiFi, cell phones, and computers, than any other generation of seniors.

Here are some recommendations to help you age gracefully: 

  • Drink Spring Water – ½ oz. per pound of body weight.
  • Breathe deeply
  • Walk every day – even if it is 10 minutes
  • Keep your bowels moving 3x’s a day
  • Avoid fluoride in every form
  • Detox, Detox, Detox – Far infrared saunas, Ion Cleanse foot baths
  • Replenish your oxygen supplies with Ozone treatments
  • Dance, sing and get out of the house to enjoy friends
  • Counter inflammation with juices, minerals and anti-inflammatory products such as Soul and Core

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