by Maria Koropecky

One of the common issues that plague many in today’s society is Candida. It causes a myriad of symptoms including bloating, obesity, brain fog, rashes, yeast infections, infertility, dandruff, etc. It’s a fungus that feeds on sugar and overgrows when our normal gut flora is out of balance.

If you suspect you might have a candida infection and would like to have a clear answer, here’s a test that you can do at home:


  1. At bedtime, fill a CLEAR GLASS with water and put it at your bedside.
  2. Immediately upon awakening, spit into the glass (Do not work up a bolus of phlegm, just use what is already there.)
  3. Wait 2 minutes. Lift the glass up to a light. Rock it gently and OBSERVE the appearance of the saliva on top of the water.
  1. If the spit sits on the surface of the water and dissolves slowly, you are fine. You don’t have a Candida problem.
  2. If you see “tentacles” — like on a jelly fish — falling to the bottom, you have an overgrowth of Candida (CANDIDIASIS).
  3. If the water turns cloudy and the spit sinks, your Candidiasis is serious because this means you have a lot of Candida in your body.

If your test is positive for Candida, you may have many other health problems like fatigue, poor memory, weight gain and poor digestion to deal with.

But there are ways to clear these infections; it will just take time and consistent effort. If your candida is serious, it’s best to make an appointment with a qualified nutritionist or wellness consultant like Dr. Oksana Sawiak. They can guide you through your treatment to ensure the best possible outcome without complications.

In the meantime, here are some dietary instructions:

First the bad news: 🙁

  • Avoid eating all forms of sugar, grape sugar (dextroglucose), artificial sweeteners, honey, all marmalades, chocolate, candy, foods containing sugar (cakes, pies, cookies, etc.), all forms of dough products, yeast, yeast pastries.
  • Also greatly reduce your bread intake, especially white flour products.
  • Also avoid sweet wine, sweet fruit and grape juices, lemonades, cola, fresh sweet fruits, grapes, oranges.
  • Avoid fried foods.

Now the good news:  🙂

  • Drink a minimum of 4 glasses of filtered or distilled water during the day.
  • Eat potatoes, whole grain bread, crisp bread wafers, moderate amounts of meat, bouillon, sauces (without thickening agents), eggs, pre-boiled milk, all fats including butter, root vegetables, spinach, chard, sauerkraut, onions, garlic, thoroughly washed garden herbs, sour fruit, lemons, grapefruit, sour apples, mineral water, small amounts of rice, stewed sour fruit without sugar, salt and easily digestible spices.

I realize this may not be the best time of year to mention this, but if you’ve reached a point where you’re sick and tired of your symptoms, you may want to file this post under “New Year’s Resolutions: Get rid of Candida once and for all.”


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